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Please use the following format for phone number - 2155551212
Please add the name of the venue (if available)

Our DJ Services

Rod Bell DJ Services has the most dynamic and versatile event group in the business. From elaborate weddings to prestigious corporate events, not to mention your exciting private celebrations, we are here to bring out the best in any gathering.

Wedding DJ Service

Unlike any other day, this is the best day of your life and we’re here to make sure it goes better than you ever had imagined

Corporate DJ Service

Let’s admit it. Sometimes the same day-to-day routine can get a bit boring. Our DJs can boost morale and have coworkers talking about your event for weeks.

Private DJ Events

Your special loved one is turning the big 50. Or maybe it’s your child’s bar mitzvah. Perhaps you are throwing a baby shower, or graduation party. The possibilities are endless.

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